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More songs are now on:


11.18.02--Salam. Alright. It's been a while since anybody has heard from any of us. Well, bad news. Little To None is no more. That's right. Jesse joined the Marines and leaves us this coming Sunday. We will keep the site up as a tribute, and periodically it will be updated, to amuse those who care. Thanks to all you had the faith and will to support us and believe in us. As for now, I will work on getting the pictures up (for reals this time.) Sorry about that. Take care all. It's been *sniff* fun.

In other news, many of you have asked for new pics, well, you got 'em! Check out the page for tons of never before seen photos! Also, the Punk Kid video is nearing completion, and awaits a recording of the famed song. As for now, I'm out like a fat kid in dodge ball...

In other, other news, Andrew is doing just fine and has fully recovered from 'the incident'. There is minimal scarring and discoloration.



We'd like to send a big thanks out to all those people who have given us support, how little it may be. Something good is in store for you...

Dare To Be Stoopid:

"Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?"

(This one hits a little closer to home...)







Screen Names:

Mike - L2N Drummer 215

Andrew - bMfBass301

Brad - bo FF14

Jesse - waterratg14